Post Electrophoretic Analysis Articles
Horizontal and Vertical Gel Systems – Vertical Tube Gels
Tube gels were used frequently in the development of gel electrophoresis. Although they are still used for some applications (most notably for isoelectric focusing as part of 2D electrophoresis), tube gels have been superseded by slab gels for most applications. Tube gels are cast (as the name implies) in glass tubes of 1-3mm diameter. The gels are run in a box which is divided into two chambers horizontally. The horizontal partition has gasketed mounting holes for the tube gels. The upper and lower chambers are filled with buffer, and current applied. The principle limitation of this system is that only one sample can be loaded per gel. Slab gels, which can accommodate up to 96 samples on a single gel, are the method of choice in most cases.
NEXT TOPIC: Horizontal and Vertical Gel Systems - The Vertical Slab Gel System
- The Polyacrylamide Matrix-Buffer Strength
- The Polyacrylamide Matrix
- The Mechanical and Electrical Dynamics of Gel Electrophoresis — Electrophoresis System Dynamics
- The Mechanical and Electrical Dynamics of Gel Electrophoresis – Ohm’s Law
- The Mechanical and Electrical Dynamics of Gel Electrophoresis – Intro and Sample Mobility
- The Electrophoresis Matrix
- The Agarose Matrix
- Radioactive Emissions and the Use of Isotopes in Research
- Multiphasic Buffer Systems
- Horizontal and Vertical Gel Systems – Vertical Tube Gels
- Horizontal and Vertical Gel Systems – The Vertical Slab Gel System
- Horizontal and Vertical Gel Systems – The Horizontal Gel System
- Homogeneous Buffer Systems
- Faint bands, low background
- Faint Bands, High Background
- Ethidium Bromide Staining
- Electrophoresis Buffers-Choosing the Right Buffer
- Electrophoresis Buffers–The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
- Coomassie Blue Stain- Troubleshooting
- Buffer Additives-Surfactants
- Buffer Additives-Reducing Agents
- Buffer Additives-Hydrogen Bonding Agents
- Biological Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids
- Biological Macromolecules – Proteins