Post Electrophoretic Analysis
Post-Electrophoretic Visualization with Nuclistain
National Diagnostics' Nuclistain offers a significant increase in sensitivity over UV shadowing, along with the convenience of visual staining. With Nuclistain there is no need for UV light. Nuclistain is a blue dye that binds to DNA, revealing blue bands after destaining with water. Nuclistain detects DNA down to levels of 50ng.
Note: Nuclistain does not modify the DNA in any way, and it is easily removed from DNA following band isolation.
Detecting Nucleic Acids with Nuclistain
- Dilute Nuclistain stock 1:100 in distilled or deionized water. Prepare enough solution to completely submerge the gel.
- Stain the gel with agitation for 20-30 minutes.
- Destain in deionized water. Bands will begin to appear within 15 minutes. Complete destaining for maximum sensitivity requires 3-12 hours.
NEXT TOPIC: Staining with Ethidium Bromide
- UV Shadowing
- Uneven Staining
- Staining Proteins Immobilized on Membranes
- Staining Protein Gels with Coomassie Blue
- Southern Blotting
- Smeared Bands
- Silver Staining Protein Gels
- Silver Staining DNA Gels
- Protein Fixation on Gels
- Post-Electrophoretic Visualization with Nuclistain
- Overview of Western Blotting
- Northern Blotting
- Method for Western Blotting
- Mechanism of Immunostaining
- Mechanism of Immunostaining
- Immunostaining with Alkaline Phosphatase
- Guide Strip Technique
- Faint bands, low background
- Faint Bands, High Background
- Ethidium Bromide Staining
- Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
- Coomassie Blue Stain- Troubleshooting
- Blotches on Gel
- Autoradiography
- Autoradiographic Enhancement with Autofluor
- An Overview of Northern and Southern Blotting
- Alkaline Blotting