Histology Fundamentals
Dehydration is usually carried out by transferring the tissue through solutions of increasing alcohol concentration, until 100% alcohol is reached. Sometimes the first step is a mixture of formalin and alcohol. Other dehydrants can be used, but have major disadvantages. Acetone—though fast—is a fire hazard, so it is safe only for small, hand-processed sets of tissues. Dioxane can be used without clearing, but has toxic fumes.
NEXT TOPIC: Clearing Tissue Sections
- Working Safely with Fixatives
- The Chemistry of Dyes and Staining
- Suggested procedures for processing fixed tissue
- Staining Procedures
- Sectioning
- Overview of the Paraffin Technique
- Overview of Fixation
- Non-Aldehyde Fixatives
- Mounting Tissue Sections
- Factors Affecting Fixation
- Embedding
- Dehydration
- Decalcifying Tissue for Histological Processing
- Clearing Tissue Sections
- Artifacts in Histologic Sections
- Aldehyde Fixatives