Gel Electrophoresis of RNA & Post Electrophoretic Analysis

Agarose electrophoresis of RNA requires the inclusion of denaturing agents in the gel. In the absence of denaturants, RNA assumes compact secondary structures, which distort the relationship between molecular weight and mobility.Urea, used as a denaturant in polyacrylamide gels, disrupts the hydrogen bonds which hold the agarose gel together, and alkaline conditions, used in denaturing…

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Isotachophoresis is a method of electrophoresis that employs the basic principles of the stacking gel phase of multiphasic systems discussed in the preceding section. Employing nonsieving media, often low percentage polyacrylamide, isotachophoresis in its simplest form can be thought of as a stacking gel alone, without the separation gel. The principles are the same. With…

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Denaturing Protein Electrophoresis: SDS-PAGE

In their native form, proteins fold into a variety of shapes, some compact, some elongated. The rate of migration of native proteins through a sieving medium is therefore more a reflection of their relative compactness, and less an accurate measure of molecular weight. Denaturing the proteins nullifies structural effects on mobility, allowing separation on a…

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