Best Sellers
Catalog number: EC-890
- 37.5:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Optimized for SDS-PAGE of Proteins (Laemmli gels)
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels, Zero Fluorescence
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
Quantity Discount when you buy 4 or more 1 Liter units
Catalog number: EC-891
- 37.5:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Optimized for SDS-PAGE of Proteins (Laemmli gels)
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels, Zero Fluorescence
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
Catalog number: EC-849
- 19:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 Megohm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Catalog number: EC-851
- 29:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 MegOhm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 1 liter bottles!
Catalog number: EC-850
- 19:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Certified RNase and Dnase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 Megohm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 1 liter bottles!
Catalog number: EC-852
- 29:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 MegOhm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
- Highest Quality Molecular Biology Grade Agarose
- Low Electroendosmosis
- DNase and RNase free
- Rapidly Dissolving, Low Boil-Over
Catalog Number: EC-810
- Stabilized Acrylamide Solution
- Deionized and Pre-filtered
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid-Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for a Two Year Shelf Life
Catalog Number: EC-820
- Stabilized Bis-Acrylamide Solution
- Deionized and Pre-filtered
- Aldehyde Free and Acrylic Acid Free
- Stabilized for a Two Year Shelf Life
UreaGel 29:1 Concentrate is one of three components of the UreaGel 29:1 System. The UreaGel 29:1 System consists of UreaGel 29:1 Concentrate, UreaGel Diluent, and UreaGel Buffer. This system provides a convenient, dependable means for researchers to prepare 29:1 gels of varying percentages. With the UreaGel 29:1 System, the researcher readily prepares any commonly used gel formulation up to 20% monomer (29:1 acrylamide: bisacrylamide). Liter bottles of UreaGel Concentrate contain 241.6 grams of acrylamide, 8.3 grams of methylene bisacrylamide, and 7.5M urea in a deionized aqueous solution.
Size: 5 x 1 ml
- Traditional Laemmli Stacking Gel Buffer (4X)
- Formulated with 0.2 Micron Filtration
- Ultra-Pure Reagents in 18 Megohm Water
- Crystal Clear, Reproducible Gels
All Electrophoresis Products
Catalog Number: EC-603
2-mercaptoethanol is used to cleave disulfide linkages prior to protein electrophoresis. Triple distilled to remove impurities and stored under nitrogen.
Catalog number: EC-887
Size: 10 x 1 ml
- Load more sample per well
- Lithium Dodecyl Sulfate give improved resolution
Catalog number: EC-849
- 19:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 Megohm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 1 liter bottles!
Catalog number: EC-850
- 19:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Certified RNase and Dnase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 Megohm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Catalog number: EC-851
- 29:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 MegOhm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 1 liter bottles!
Catalog number: EC-852
- 29:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 MegOhm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Catalog Number: EC-810
- Stabilized Acrylamide Solution
- Deionized and Pre-filtered
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid-Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for a Two Year Shelf Life
Size: 25 g
Catalog Number: EC-504
Exceeds ACS standards. Low absorbed water results in consistent initiation.
- Small Fragment DNA and RNA
- Ultra-Fine particle size for fastest dissolution
- Ultra-High Strength/Low EEO Agarose
- Blotting of MegaBase DNA
- Finest Particle Size for Fastest Dissolution
- High Strength High-Resolution Agarose
- Excellent for small DNA fragments, PCR products, and proteins
- Ultra-Fine particle size for fastest dissolution
- Highest Quality Molecular Biology Grade Agarose
- Low Electroendosmosis
- DNase and RNase free
- Rapidly Dissolving, Low Boil-Over
- Low Melting Temperature
- DNase and RNase free
- Exceptional Gel Strength for a Low Melt Agarose
- Fastest Dissolving
Quantity discount when you buy four or more bottles!Catalog Number: LS-315Size: 1 liter
- High-resolution autoradiographic image intensifier
- Rapid enhancement of low energy beta-emitters
- For polyacrylamide gels, paper chromatography, and TLC plates
- Water-based, odorless, contains no DMSO
Size: 25 g
Catalog Number: SFC-13
Absolute fluorescence emission in cyclohexane (max): 477nm
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more bottles!
- For Non-Aqueous Samples
- High Counting Efficiency
- Ready-To-Use
- Economical
- Casts 29:1 denaturing gels for RNA or DNA analysis
- Easily cast up to 20% gels
- Certified nuclease-free
- Consistently crystal clear gels
- Casts 19:1 Denaturing Gels up to 20% Monomer
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Twelve Month Shelf Life at Room Temperature
UreaGel Buffer is one of three components of the UreaGel System. The UreaGel System (formerly SequaGel Sequencing System) consists of UreaGel Concentrate, UreaGel Diluent, and UreaGel Buffer. This system provides a convenient, dependable means for researchers to prepare gels of varying percentage. With the UreaGel System the researcher readily prepares any commonly used gel formulation up to 20% monomer (19:1 Acrylamide/Bisacrylamide). UreaGel Buffer is supplied in 100 ml and 200 ml bottles containing 0.89M tris-borate-20mM EDTA buffer pH 8.3 (10X TBE) and 7.5M urea.
Catalog number: EC-836
Ready-To-Use 6% 19:1 Denaturing DNA Gel Solution
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Twelve Month Shelf Life at Room Temperature
Catalog number: EC-840
UreaGel Diluent is one of three components of the UreaGel System. The UreaGel System (formerly SequaGel Sequencing System) consists of UreaGel Concentrate, UreaGel Diluent, and UreaGel Buffer. This system provides a convenient, dependable means for researchers to prepare gels of varying percentage. With the UreaGel System the researcher readily prepares any commonly used gel formulation up to 20% monomer (19:1 Acrylamide/Bisacrylamide). UreaGel Diluent is supplied in 450 ml and 1 liter bottles containing 7.5M urea in deionized water.
- For use with UreaGel-6, UreaGel-8 and SequaGel XR
- Contains TBE and TEMED in distilled, deionized water
- Certified nuclease-free
Catalog number: EC-842
- Extended Range Gel Solution for DNA Electrophoresis
- Higher Resolution
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
Catalog number: EC-843
- Extended Range Gel Solution for DNA Electrophoresis
- Higher Resolution
- Rapid Running
- Available as a Premixed 2 Bottle Kit or Concentrate
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more bottles!
Hazardous Shipping Fees: This product may incur an additional hazardous shipping fee. We will pack the products to minimize all shipping costs, and the final charge will reflect the shipping cost and any applicable hazardous fees charged by FedEx.
Catalog number: EC-845
Size: 200 ml
- Point Mutation Analysis
- SSCP Analysis
- Heteroduplex Analysis
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more kits!
Hazardous Shipping Fees: This product may incur an additional hazardous shipping fee. We will pack the products to minimize all shipping costs, and the final charge will reflect the shipping cost and any applicable hazardous fees charged by FedEx.
Catalog number: EC-846
Size: 1 Kit
Point Mutation Analysis
Matrix and Loading Buffer Optimized for SSCP
Hazardous Shipping Fees: This product may incur an additional hazardous shipping fee. We will pack the products to minimize all shipping costs, and the final charge will reflect the shipping cost and any applicable hazardous fees charged by FedEx.
Catalog Number: EC-847
Size: 1 Kit – Hazard Fee
- Point Mutation Analysis
- Heteroduplex Analysis
Catalog number: EC-848
Size: 1.2 ml
SSCP Stop Solution is a variant on the recipe of the standard formamide loading buffer intended for use with SequaGel MD in SSCP analysis.
Catalog number: EC-849
- 19:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 Megohm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 1 liter bottles!
Catalog number: EC-850
- 19:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Certified RNase and Dnase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 Megohm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Catalog number: EC-851
- 29:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 MegOhm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 1 liter bottles!
Catalog number: EC-852
- 29:1 Acrylamide to Bisacrylamide Stabilized Solution
- Consistently Crystal Clear Gels
- Aldehyde and Acrylic Acid Free
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Stabilized for Long Shelf Life
- Formulated with 18 MegOhm Water, 0.2 Micron Filtration
Catalog number: EC-855
Size: 25 ml
With three tracking dyes (bromophenol blue, xylene cyanol and Orange G), Triple Dye Loading Buffer (6X) is a nondenaturing loading buffer for native polyacrylamide and agarose gel applications. Triple Dye Loading Buffer contains 50% (w/v) sucrose and 40mM Tris base in distilled, deionized water.
Size: 10 x 1 ml
- Denaturing Loading Buffer for RNA or DNA
- Formamide Based
- Neutral pH
Catalog number: EC-861
- Formulated with 18 MegOhm Water and 0.2 Micron Filtration
- Costs Less than Bench Made Buffer
- Save Time and Improve Results
- Certified RNase and DNase Free
- Using PAGE to Determine Nucleic Acid Molecular Weight
- SSCP Analysis
- Sanger Sequencing
- Sample Preparation for Native PAGE of DNA
- Sample Prep for Denaturing PAGE of DNA
- S1 Mapping
- Run Conditions in Denaturing PAGE
- RNA Mapping
- RNA Electrophoresis
- Ribonuclease Protection
- Restriction Digest Mapping
- Primer Extension
- Preparing Denaturing DNA & RNA Gels
- Preparation of Denaturing Agarose Gels
- Preparation of Agarose Gels
- Pouring Sequencing Gels
- PCR Analysis: Yield and Kinetics
- PCR Analysis: An Examination
- Native PAGE of DNA
- Mobility Shift Assay
- Methylation & Uracil Interference Assays
- Maxam & Gilbert Sequencing
- Manual Sequencing
- In Gel Enzyme Reactions
- Heteroduplex Analysis
- Gel Preparation for Native PAGE of DNA
- Gel Electrophoresis of PCR Products
- DNase I Footprinting
- DNA/RNA Purification from PAGE Gels
- DNA/RNA Purification from Agarose Gels – Electroelution
- Differential Display
- Denaturing Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of DNA & RNA
- Conformational Analysis
- Automated Sequencers
- Analysis of DNA/Protein Interactions
- Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA and RNA – Uses and Variations
- Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA and RNA – An Introduction