Hazardous Shipping Fees: This product may incur an additional hazardous shipping fee. We will pack the products to minimize all shipping costs, and the final charge will reflect the shipping cost and any applicable hazardous fees charged by FedEx.
Catalog Number: EC-503
N,N,N’,N’ – tetramethylethylene diamine
Fractionally distilled to remove all trace metals and amine impurities. Stored under nitrogen.
Ammonium Persulfate – ULTRA PURE
Catalog Number: EC-504
Exceeds ACS standards. Low absorbed water results in consistent initiation.
AquaPor LE GTAC Agarose
- Highest Quality Molecular Biology Grade Agarose
- Low Electroendosmosis
- DNase and RNase free
- Rapidly Dissolving, Low Boil-Over
ProtoBlue Safe
Get a free sample of ProtoBlue Safe! Call us at (800) 526-3867 for details!
- Fast, Easy to Use Protocol
- Ecofriendly; Nonhazardous disposal
- Costs Less than Regular Coomassie
SDS Solution (20%)
Catalog number: EC-874
- 0.2 micron filtration
- 18 MegOhm water
The SDS used in National Diagnostics’ 20% SDS Solution has been purified to remove colored contaminants that interfere with spectrophotometric analysis. Zero-free sulfates eliminate non-specific binding.
Tween-20 – ULTRA PURE
Non-ionic surfactant for Western blotting and other molecular biology and biochemistry applications.
Coomassie Blue R-250
Size: 10 g
Glycerol – ULTRA PURE
Size: 450 ml
Employed to modify the specific gravity of certain electrophoresis solutions.
Glycine – ULTRA PURE
Purified by novel chelation chromatography to remove all reactive metals.
AquaPor LM GTAC Agarose
- Low Melting Temperature
- DNase and RNase free
- Exceptional Gel Strength for a Low Melt Agarose
- Fastest Dissolving
Xylene Cyanole FF
Size: 25 g
Coomassie Blue G-250
Size: 10 g
Bromophenol Blue
Size: 10 g
Bromocresol Green
Size: 5 g
Methylene Blue
Size: 25 g