AquaPor LM GTAC Agarose
$165.00 – $485.00
Catalog Number: EC-204
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 100g units!
- Low Melting Temperature
- DNase and RNase free
- Exceptional Gel Strength for a Low Melt Agarose
- Fastest Dissolving
Catalog Number: EC-204
Quantity discount when you buy 4 or more 100g units!
- Low Melting Temperature
- DNase and RNase free
- Exceptional Gel Strength for a Low Melt Agarose
- Fastest Dissolving
AquaPor LM GTAC is a low melting temperature agarose for both large and small DNA fragments. For large fragments up to 25 kb, a 1% AquaPor LM solution forms a gel strong enough to be handled without fracturing. For separation of smaller fragments from 20 bp to 1,000 bp, AquaPor LM possesses low viscosity so that 3% or 4% gels can be made. DNA fragments separated in AquaPor LM may be immediately used for enzymatic manipulation in the presence of the remelted agarose. Ultra-fine particle size ensures fastest dissolution. AquaPor LM is certified to be DNase, RNase, and protease free. AquaPor LM is certified for in-gel PCR (re)amplification and in-gel ligation.
Melt Temp (oC) | Gel Strength (g/cm2) | Gel Temp (oC) |
≤ 65 @ 1.0% | ≥ 450 @ 1.0% | ≤ 27 @ 1.0% |