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Liquid Scintillation



Quantity discount when you purchase 10 or more boxes!

  • Completely dissolving wipes for environmental tests
  • Greater counting efficiency
  • Increased reliability
  • Safe and easy to used
SKU: NW-300 Categories: ,


Quantity discount when you purchase 10 or more boxes!

Catalog Number: NW-300
Size: 1 Box

  • Completely dissolving wipes for environmental tests
  • Greater counting efficiency
  • Increased reliability
  • Safe and easy to use

Nuc-Wipes are dissolvable pads which assure superior environmental wipe tests.  Nuc-Wipes are completely soluble in any scintillation solution, and because Nuc-Wipes dissolve completely no emitted beta ray can be hindered or absorbed by an undissolved portion of the wipe.  Nuc-Wipes allow full 4π counting efficiencies, thereby eliminating the possibility of lost counts due to absorption of the beta rays by the filter itself.